GENEHO: Transform your trials
Your objectives
- Validate and demonstrate the efficacy of an active raw material or additive
- Validate and demonstrate the efficacy of a biostimulant
- Determine an effective dose
- Compare your product to a standard
- Position your product in the market
- Bolster your technical sales pitch
- Register your product (additive, raw material) in a particular country
- Get a new additive authorised in Europe
- Test distribution equipment (water, food)

3 GENEHO proposals
- Pre-trial study: drafting of a non-standard trial protocol, including monitoring and consideration of the analysis and statistical processing of future data
- Trial management: poultry, pigs and ruminants at several sites in France and abroad. See our trial capabilities
- Post-trial study: statistical analysis of raw data, but also post-trial evaluation, observations and areas for improvement. Our Geneho experts have all undergone training in biostatistics in addition to their engineering qualifications.
Our methodology
Drafting and sending the GENEHO contract
Trial (set-up, monitoring, trial report form)
Statistical analysis and/or report
Processing of your request – Receipt of your specifications, then creation of the Trial Design Form
Kick off meeting
Data management
Processing of your request – Receipt of your specifications, then creation of the Trial Design Form
Drafting and sending the GENEHO contract
Kick off meeting
Trial (set-up, monitoring, trial report form)
Data management
Statistical analysis and/or report
Our trial capabilities in Animal Health Nutrition

- Broiler farm with 30, 60 and 90 pens in Brittany
- Broiler farm with 3 buildings of 66, 84 and 96 pens each (14-15 chickens per pen) in Spain
- Broiler and layer farms for field trials with product distribution via a Variodose system in Brittany
- Laying hen farm with 32 cages of 12 layers per cage in Spain
- Gestating sows: 145 to 150 sows, up to 3 modalities, over 115 days
- Iberian gestating sows: 1 room with 99 sows in individual pens, 30 to 45 sows per band
- Per farrowing and suckling sows: 36 sows, up to 4 modalities over 28 days
- Iberian suckling sows: 1 building with 2 rooms of 37 sows each, 1 building with 1 room of 24 sows
- Post Weaning piglets: 4 rooms with 12 pens per room, 4 to 8 piglets per pen, over 42 days
- Post Weaning Iberian x Duroc piglets: 1 building with 4 rooms: 2 rooms with 6 pens (15 piglets per pen), 2 rooms with 14 pens (14 piglets per pen), 1 building with 1 room with 32 pens (8 piglets per pen), trials over 42 days.
- Growing pigs: 32 pens of 10 to 14 pigs, trial with 2 to 5 modalities, 6 to 16 replicates
Our trial capabilities in Plant Health Nutrition
We can help you:
- Draw up trial protocols
- Calculate the number of replicates required according to your demonstration objectives
- Define the parameters to be measured according to the product’s objectives through a literature review, and carry out statistical processing on the post-trial data.
- Draw up protocols for demonstrating the claims of a biostimulant product under Regulation (EU) 1009/2019 (on fertilisers) in accordance with the published technical specifications, as well as any demonstration protocol for marketing authorisation in France.
- We can find the right experimental station for your trials.
We have also partnered with a trial centre in Spain for certain crops (tomatoes, vines, olives, etc.).
GENEHO’s strengths
- Trial bibliographic database
- Tools that can be customised to meet customer needs
- Multi-species trials
- All our trials are carried out by a team of vets and engineers trained in Animal Welfare in accordance with Directive 2010/63/EU, in farms that have also received training.
- Data processing is carried out by a team trained in Biostatistics.
- We supervise the trials referenced in “feed additive” regulatory applications. We have taken all the EFSA guidelines for tolerance and efficacy studies on board.