Animal Health Nutrition

Plant Health Nutrition

Human Health Nutrition

More than ever focused on building progress

Our areas of expertise

Nutrition Santé

Fabricants/distributeurs d’ingrédients : matières premières, additifs, et fabricants d’aliment composé et complémentaire.

Nutrition Santé

Fabricants/distributeurs d’engrais, d’amendements, de supports de culture, de biostimulants, de produits phytopharmaceutiques de biocontrôle.

Nutrition Santé

Fabricants d’ingrédients et d’additifs, industrie de l’agroalimentaire, du complément alimentaire.

Our 3R services

Research – Development – Demonstration

Research – Development – Demonstration


In R&D, we can play a full or partial role in your R&D by supporting you on well-defined assignments, but we can also act as project manager.

For demonstrations, we provide our AHN and PHN clients with our à la carte GENEHO portfolio of trial management services.
Regulations and Quality

Regulations and Quality


Over the last 15 years, this department has expanded its expertise: our regulatory support services now cover animal nutrition (feed), including pet food, plant nutrition and human nutrition.


Support for implementation and internal audits of several reference frameworks: FCA, GMP+, FAMI-QS, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, CSA-GTP.

Strategic Reflection

Strategic Reflection


The strategic consulting service harnesses pragmatic tools and experience of several markets and sectors. Effectively positioning a project means considering it within the context of the company, then analysing its strengths and weaknesses, the market and the competition.

Our business lines


Our 3R Services


Trial Management


Training Organization

Our certifications

Afaq ISO 90001
Le crédit impôt innovation (CII)
Le crédit impôt recherche (CIR)

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